organisiert von: VEKKS
Location: VEKKS, Erlgasse 27, 1120 Wien

Lisa Hofmanninger. Die in Vöcklabruck geborene Sopransaxophonistin, Bassklarinettistin, Komponistin und Pädagogin versteht sich als Weltenbummlerin, sowohl im musikalischen als auch geografischen Sinne. Sie studierte Jazzsaxophon an der Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz bei Harald Sokal, Florian Bramböck und Andreas Schreiber und am Pôle Supérieur Paris-Boulogne Billancourt in Paris bei Jean-Charles Richard und schloss 2017 die Masterprüfung mit Auszeichnung ab.

Ihre eigenen Projekte sind hauptsächlich im breiten Feld des Jazz und improvisierter Musik angesiedelt, doch scheut sie nicht, Ausflüge in andere für sie spannende Felder zu unternehmen. Darunter zählen: CHUFFDRONE, DUO hofmaninger/schwarz, you promised me poems, First Gig Never Happened, Little Rosies Kindergarten und das Duo mit ihrem Partner Alexander Fitzthum. Ebenso ist sie als Side-Woman sehr gefragt, u.A. Gina Schwarz’ Pannonica, Christian Muthspiel’s Orjazztra Vienna und dem Vienna Improvisers Orchestra und temporär in Theater-und Tanzprojekten wie: Toxic Dreams, swaying, Musiktheatertage Wien, tätig.

Je. Jesch Artistic works in between installation, performance and sculpture. Searching for magic moments and surrealistic experiences.

Sapient Paradox

Zeynep Sarikartal Christopher Cox Jakup Svejnar

Built in 2023 by Christopher Cox (amplified trombone), Jakub Svejnar (amplified drums) and Zeynep Sarikartal (electronics and keys), Sapient Paradox is taking its first journey within Europe with a small tour in Amsterdam (SOTU Festival), and Vienna (Vekks). The band aims not only to bring together their own personal experiences on improvised music as professional musicians but also to experiment within a specific concept. The trio came together after the invitation of Christopher Cox, who played with the drummer Jakub Svejnar and Zeynep Sarikartal on electronics, in different settings yet never as a trio before. Coxs new discoveries and experimentations on amplified trombone as one of the pioneers of 80s and 90`s avant-garde free jazz players in the US, led him to work with many young professionals who use various techniques of amplification on acoustic instruments and the ones who work only with electronics or electroacoustics in the most experimental sense. Cox met Svejnar in Prag for a session and Sarikartal in Vienna spontaneously during his solo gig where she started to play with his effect rack. After that Cox came to the idea of bringing Svejnar and Sarikartal together in a trio format for recording sessions and a small tour in EU. All artists coming from different backgrounds and musical styles, they will merge their knowledge and skills in electroacoustics and free jazz together with underground electronic music genres such as „base music‟ or „core‟ in the most general sense. More specifically, the trio will serve a cocktail of glitchy polyrhythms, some taste of harsh noise, drone, breakcore, jungle, together with the richest harmonies and resonances that will be led by Cox, within a thematic focus given on human beings‟ self-destructive way of survival, that is a reference to David Graeber‟s recent reflexions on the long existing anthropological concept known as the „sapient paradox‟.