organisiert von: SSDP
Location: Himmel und Wasser

.. Students for Sensible Drug Policy presents ..



Liebe FreundInnen des psychedelischen Kinos! Wir setzen unsere Veranstaltungsreihe “Psychedelic Cinema” den steigenden Temperaturen entsprechend OPEN AIR mit “DMT - The Spirit Molecule” fort und laden euch ins Himmel und Wasser zu einem spannenden Filmabend mit anschließender Diskussion ein. Nehmt Euch gerne Snacks mit, Getränke gibt es günstig vor Ort. Wir freuen uns auf einen weiteren anregenden Abend mit Euch, an der Donau und unter Sternenhimmel! Dear friends of the psychedelic cinema! We continue our series of events “Psychedelic Cinema” with “DMT - The Spirit Moleculel” and invite you once again to spend a thrilling movie night with subsequent discussion, this time OPEN AIR at Himmel und Wasser with us. Bring your snacks, drinks can be bought at the bar. We are looking forward to another inspiring evening with you, at the Danube and beneath a sky full of stars!


“The Spirit Molecule investigates dimethyltryptamine (DMT), an endogenous psychoactive compound, which exists in humans and numerous species of plants and animals. The documentary traces Dr. Rick Strassman’s government-sanctioned, human DMT research and its many trials, tribulations, and inconceivable realizations. A closer examination of DMT’s effects through the lens of two traditionally opposed concepts, science and spirituality, The Spirit Molecule explores the connections between cutting-edge neuroscience, quantum physics, and human spirituality. As Strassman’s story unfolds, the contributors weigh in on his remarkable theories, including the synthesis of DMT in our brain’s pineal gland, its link to near-death & alien-abduction experiences, the history/future of psychedelics, and the uncanny likeness to ancient religious texts describing prophets with DMT-like experiences. Additionally, the intriguing similarities to the “many-worlds” interpretation of quantum mechanics lead to other fascinating discoveries. The experts offer a comprehensive collection of information, opinions, and speculation to help understand the nature of the DMT experience, and its role in human culture and the life force of our planet. Due to the profound nature, and visual phantasmagoria, of the DMT experience, the visual landscape of the film features stunning visualizations from Scott Draves (Electric Sheep), as well as a cutting-edge motion graphics, which demonstrate DMT’s conceptual link to human evolution, construction of the universe, advanced neuroscience, and other alluring theories. Finally, stylized scenes reminiscent of Rod Sterling’s famous Twilight Zone bookends, Joe Rogan (actor/comedian) serves as tour guide, helping navigate the expansive realms of Strassman’s DMT universe. Dimethyltryptamine: a simple molecule with enormous implications. The Spirit Molecule’s subtle combination of science, spirituality, and philosophy results in an abundance of incredible ideas and theories that could alter the way we understand the universe and our relationship to it.”

Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) is the only international non-profit advocacy and education organization dedicated to reforming drug policy, empowering young people and ending the War on Drugs ☀