organisiert von: SSDP Austria
Location: Himmel und Wassser

.. Students for Sensible Drug Policy presents ..


The Sunshine Makers


Liebe FreundInnen des psychedelischen Kinos! Wir setzen unsere Veranstaltungsreihe “Psychedelic Cinema” den steigenden Temperaturen entsprechend OPEN AIR mit “The Sunshine Makers” fort und laden euch ins Himmel und Wasser zu einem spannenden Filmabend mit anschließender Diskussion ein.

Nehmt Euch gerne Snacks mit, Getränke gibt es günstig vor Ort. Wir freuen uns auf einen weiteren anregenden Abend mit Euch, an der Donau und unter Sternenhimmel!


Dear friends of the psychedelic cinema! We continue our series of events “Psychedelic Cinema” with “The Sunshine Makers” and invite you once again to spend a thrilling movie night with subsequent discussion, this time again OPEN AIR at Himmel und Wasser with us.

Bring your snacks, drinks can be bought at the bar. We are looking forward to another inspiring evening with you, at the Danube and beneath a sky full of stars!


A real-life ‘Breaking Bad’ for the psychedelic set, THE SUNSHINE MAKERS reveals the fascinating, untold story of Nicholas Sand and Tim Scully, the unlikely duo at the heart of 1960s American drug counter-culture. United in a utopian mission to save the planet through the consciousness-raising power of LSD, these underground chemists manufactured a massive amount of acid, including the gold standard for quality LSD, ‘Orange Sunshine,’ all while staying one step ahead of the Feds. From the producer of SEARCHING FOR SUGARMAN and LISTEN TO ME MARLON, THE SUNSHINE MAKERS premiered last year at the prestigious DOC NYC film festival to critical acclaim. The documentary has thrilled audiences with its stranger-than-fiction look into the lives of two “LSD evangelists.”

➳ Movie will be screened in English with German subtitles.

➳ Stay for a chat afterwards :) Ask us about the Global Drug Policy Reform Movement and Vienna’s crucial role in it. ➳ Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) is the only international non-profit advocacy and education organization dedicated to reforming drug policy and ending the War on Drugs. ➳