SOLIDARITY WİTH CRIMINALS (Party for Anarchists in Ankara)
In 2005 Turkey enacted a law that punishes hanging out in the street ‘indecently’, public drunkenness, putting up posters and other similar activities as ‘kabahat’. Kabahat (Misdemeanor) means ‘light crime’ in Turkish. Since then, Turkey has evolved into a fascist government while at the same time this law sparked our unity. We have put up banners on the walls, we have drawn murals in the streets, commemorated our comrades who we have lost, we worked at night, we did not get caught. We’ve disturbed the dictatorship, our friends smiled upright. We reminded the people of the city to be surprised and entertained. We live in Ankara, a dry and bureaucratic city. Of course we are anarchists. We went to Van (North of Kurdistan) after the earthquake; there we established a tent city. In the war period we were in Cizre (North of Kurdistan), there we painted walls and played games with children. After the Gezi-Protest we went to Istanbul and we stood shoulder to shoulder to fight for the occupied houses; there we learned and we shared our experiences about squatting with our comrades. Then the situation in our geography became darker. On the 10th of October 2015, a bomb attack by AKP supported ISIS cells on the Peace Rally happened. Hundreds of us were injured, 109 people died. One of the friends we lost on this day was our comrade Ali Kitapçı, who was an employee of the anarcho-syndicalist railroad trade union. He was our known, trusted, beloved comrade. The local municipality changed the name of a park and now we have an Ali Kitapcı park. He had been active in local fights against gentrification in the area around the park, which were successful. In our perspective, a sculpture is not the object of a city, history or culture. If art has a function, we believe that precisely within resistance the meaning of it becomes visible. We painters, sculptors, dependent workers, self-employed workers came together as ‘Kabahat’s Workshop’ (Kabahatler Atölyesi). As our comrade Ali Kitapcı and our other fallen, we will shout against the state: ‘We are not afraid of the dark!’ to remind the children playing in the park that they are not alone. We are creating a monument sculpture of our comrade to create excitement, power and inspiration.
Kabahatler Atölyesi (Kabahat’s Workshop) / March 2019
68 Fragmente, 19 min., 2016, Ç. Yilmaz 8 pm.
68 Fragmente sind die Reflexion über “unsichtbare ArbeiterInnen”. Sie stellen Ausschnitte aus dem Alltag dar, jedoch werfen sie zugleich Frage eines Bekannten auf,der die Leben der sprechenden Figuren kreuzt.
IVA OLO & MANA 9:30 pm.
ARTEMIS 10:30 pm.