Akustikkonzert: Knifelong + Throwaways
Liebe Leute, am FR 08.03. wird es im tollen Kaleidoskop eine kleine Akustikshow von Knifelong und Throwaways geben. Kommt vorbei und bringt eure Freunde, good times.
Knifelong (emo/pop)
Short songs about topics such as self-doubt, rejection or unproductivity are the best way to describe their sound. Life can feel really oppressive sometimes, and the best way to cope with anger or depression is to speak about it and don‘t let those feelings drown or take over yourself. There are some postcard references in their songs and therefore the first EP was released on a flexi postcard on Backpack Records in 2018.
Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Knifelong/ Bandcamp:https://backpackrecords.bandcamp.com/album/greetings-from
Throwaways (juicy pop / indiepunk)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/throwawaysband/