Queer-feminist concert Malonda and A_Thousand_Yellow_Daisies.
Malonda pop/electro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L216Ln_Mt-w
„Elektronische Ohrwürmer, extrahiert aus der Süße seelischer Tiefschläge und Gipfelerlebnissen der exorbitanten Art. Wir alle kennen das. Nur gehört haben wir es so noch nie. Das ist Divenpop. Das ist Malonda.”
A_Thousand_Yellow_Daisies solo artist https://athousandyellowdaisies.bandcamp.com/
“A_Thousand_Yellow_Daisies is a one-fucking-queer-woman-one-gorgeous-guitar-project from Berlin. Dark but colourful and purely emotional Annemieke and her guitar Lorelai are ranging in all ranks in between the things. Femme-inin and forthrightly honest she lets us listen to her heart, when she`s telling her stories of failure and love in a world of heteronormative dominance and ignorance. Somewhere in between Grunge, American Folk and 60’s Soul she is counting more on intenseness than on perfection and lets herself float from heavy riffing back to soft finger pickings.”