JACK-Kollektiv: Experiences of Schubhaft and Deportation
JACK-Kollektiv: Experiences of Schubhaft and Deportation
Di. 26.03.2019
(in english)
A former prisoner from the deportation centre (Schubhaft) in Hernals will share some of his experiences and what he learned in this time in prison. He will share some knowledge on how to stop your own deportation, how to get money inside to call someone outside for help, how to avoid problems with the cops, and finally some ways to get out of the prison. This is also an opportunity to ask the collective about the exhibition.
The room will be open at 6pm, the presentation will start at 7pm.
Directions to the exhibition in the Wolke:
Alte WU - Kern C - 4.Floor, Room: Wolke.
Barrier free dress see:
Directions from tram D Station: Lichtenwerder Platz:
Take the steps or the ramp by the station past the bakery. Once you enter through the main entrance go behind the porters lodge and take the lift C into the 4th floor.
We look forward to seeing you!
Alte WU - Kern C - 4.Stock Raum Wolke. Barrierefreier Zugang Augassse siehe: https://www.akbild.ac.at/Portal/barrierefreierZugang_Akademie_de.pdf
Der Raum wird um 18 Uhr offen sein, die Vorträge beginnen um 19 Uhr.
Wegbeschreibung von D-Wagen Station Lichtenwerder Platz: die Stufen oder die Rampe bei der Station neben der Bäckereifiliale hinauf. Vom Haupteingang gesehen hinter der Portierloge den Aufzug C in den 4.Stock nehmen.