Lazy Life wird 2
This is a free service provided by Lazy Life concerning the Place To Be am 5. Mai!
12 Uhr Katerfrühstück ALL YOU CAN EAT Brunch Buffet +1 Mimosa included für 10€ so lange bis es aus ist. Get day drunk on love! 🍊🍸😘 16 Uhr Tombola JEDES LOS GEWINNT UND DIE GEWINNE DÜRFEN NICHT ZURÜCK GEGEBEN WERDEN 😎💎🛍 17 Uhr Die Wahl zur MISS WIRTSCHAFT 2019! The pageant you never knew you wanted but definitely need. 💰💅👑 We will crown the Queen* of maladministration and financial disaster. The competition will be divided in challenges such as MY WORST BUSINESS IDEA, HOW I SPENT 500€ IN ONE NIGHT AND CAN’T REALLY RECALL HOW and THE REASON WHY I SHOULD RECEIVE A DONATION OF 1 BILLION AND NOT A CHURCH. And a little dance off to SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY, a classic by the former Viennese resident Donna Summer. Es lohnt sich übrigens allein schon wegen der hinreißenden Juror_innen die competition zu entern! 💳💸🏅 18 Uhr This is not happening happening DRESS CODE: Put on the outfit you never had an occasion to wear. Anything goes. Come as you wish you were! + Lazy Life T-SHIRT SALE is on! 👚👕👗👠👡👟💍👑👛 Djanes: Lazy Life team (past, present, future)! 🐊🐊🐊