organisiert von: Textdiskussion
Location: Infomaden im EKH, Wielandgasse 2-4, 1100 Wien

This time we want to discuss the text „transforming carceral logics. 10 reasons to dismantle the prison industrial complex through Queer/trans Analysis and Action“. It was published in “Captive Genders. transembodiment and the prison industrial complex”.

Diesmal soll der Text „transforming carceral logics. 10 reasons to dismantle the prison industrial complex through Queer/trans Analysis and Action“ diskutiert werden. Dieser Text erschien im Buch “Captive Genders. transembodiment and the prison industrial complex”.

You can find the text at: (p.2-32)

Oder auf deutsch (provisorische Übersetzung):

“This article arose from an ongoing need to make stronger connections between struggles for gender and sexual justice, and the growing crisis of mass incarceration, over-policing, and cultures of control.”

“Never before has the prison industrial complex5 been so powerful, particularly in the Global North. […] Prison expansion disproportionately targets particular groups of people, especially communities of color, poor and working class people, youth, immigrants, women, people with learning disabilities and mental health issues, as well as queer, trans, and gender-non-conforming people, who are increasingly forced into greater cycles of poverty, criminalization, incarceration, and violence.”

“As the more privileged members of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans (LGBT) communities are ushered into new forms of neoliberal citizen-ship—where buying power, respectability, assimilation, and nationalism are the price of welcome—and as some LGBT groups are developing closer ties with police and military forces through recruitment campaigns, advisory boards, and liaison committees, we need to question who is bear-ing the costs of so-called “inclusion.” If such inclusion means complicity with the violence and racism of the prison industrial complex, we must rethink those strategies.”

Every second Friday in month we discuss a text. The discussions are an attempt to stimulate an anarchist debate. We neither want experts nor consumers. Please come prepared, read the text and think about it (evtl. notes). We want to share and discuss our ideas and prospects to sharpen our critique.

Wir stellen jeden zweiten Freitag im Monat einen Text zur Diskussion. Diese Diskussionen stellen einen Versuch dar, eine anarchistische Debatte in Gang zu setzen. Wir wollen weder Expert_innen, noch Konsument_innen. Kommt bitte vorbereitet, lest den Text und macht euch dazu Gedanken (evtl. Notizen). Wir wollen unsere Ideen und Vorstellungen teilen und diskutieren um unsere Kritik zu schärfen.