Time to unite! - dykes for global commons, solidarity and justice!
The 6th Vienna Dyke March is an event to celebrate dyke* unity, diversity and joy, but also to stand together with our sisters* in times of repression and hardship.
Last year the Black, feminist, lesbian politician Marielle Franco was assassinated by the Brasilian regime and we are still asking „Who killed Marielle?“ together with Mônica Benício, her partner, who will speak at the opening event of the march. Further speakers from local groups and the European LesbianConference (ELC) include Henrie Dennis, Joëlle Sambi, Tinou Ponzer, Rhonda D’Vine and Faiqa El-Nagashi. There are plans for music performances and other cultural events, including Vienna’s best: Tinou & the emancipatory Jukebox and also the wonderful Denice Bourbon! Along the route Stixx will be drumming for us!
Infoladen will be there and bring us zines, stickers, safer sex kits and other beautiful fun stuff! You can bring your own flyers to add to the table.
The dyke march invites all those to participate, who identify as, sympathize with and support dykes in all their fabulousness! The route is wheelchair accessible. There will be sign language interpretation.
Please bring colorful signs with messages to support dyke-ness, dyke solidarity, and dyke joy and lesbo*love! Bring water! :) You can still tell us, if you want to do a (very short) performance or if you have other ideas to make the dyke march even more amazing!
Route: Treffpunkt ab 16:30 beim Theseustempel, gegenüber vom Sappho Denkmal im Volksgarten. Beginn: 17:00. Weggehen: 17:30. Wir gehen durch die Hofburg, vorbei an den lesbischen* Tugenden zum Michaeler Platz. Von dort direkt zur Albertina. Von der Albertina geht es entweder durch den Burggarten oder über den Ring, je nach Lustigkeit zum Maria Theresiendenkmal. Dort gibt es ein Abschlussevent. Ende: 19:00.