Location: EKH, Wielandgasse 2-4, 1100 Wien

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👥✊💜 Invitation to establish a Social Center in Vienna

Dear friends,

with enthusiasm we want to inform you about a new project in Vienna and invite you to develop the idea further and to participate in its realisation:

As a common framework for current and future projects, we want to build a Social Center in Vienna that brings together existing structures and groups as well as extends the network of mutual aid and solidarity of our city. We want to create a space that connects different local social struggles and transnational solidarity, is free from consumerism, allows us to have social exchange with each other and meets our needs in terms of meeting places, practical support, collective cooking, culture, education, care work, safe spaces, sports, etc.. We want a space where we can organize our movements and strengthen ourselves as political subjects. We know that such a space is greatly needed in Vienna.

We invite you to work together on the realization of this idea and to contribute with your experience and perspective. Because our goal is to connect different movements and struggles from the very start. And the process has just begun: Recently, some people came together to discuss the vision of a Social Clenter, different needs, possible projects and how to proceed. Working groups were formed, among other things to start looking for spaces, and a first common practice was organized: a KüFA (Kitchen for All) - that is, to cook together and distribute food in public spaces.

We invite you to our third meeting. It is open to everyone, feel free to spread the word.

➡ February 26, 3pm, address: EKH, Wielandgasse 2-4, 1100 Wien ⬅

The meetings are self-organized and open, and the group preparing the next meeting is available for questions, suggestions, and participation. Come by! For any questions, criticism and suggestions contact socialcenterwien-intro@riseup.net.