organisiert von: Klub der slowenischen Studierenden (KSŠŠD)
Location: Mondscheingasse 11, 1070 Wien

On 8.4 at 19:30 we are starting with the first meeting of the Klubska povezovarna (the Klub Connection Room), an event where we get to know and discuss the work of activist movements in Slovenia. We will learn about the problems they face, their projects and actions and, last but not least, their vision of an active civil society that aspires to a world beyond the existing one. The aim of the events is to bring such movements closer to Vienna and to connect the Slovenian active political scene with the Viennese one, and especially with the minority of Carinthian Slovenians living here.

This time we will be discussing the movements for more affordable housing and student dormitories at the Klubska povezovarna, for which we have invited Maša Hawlina from the “Where Will We Sleep Tomorrow?” movement. and the Zadrugator cooperative, and Klara Jurečič from the Student Homes for Students initiative (ŠtuDŠŠ).

The 2G rule and mask requirement remains during events - Come (if possible) PCR tested and with mask!