organisiert von: VEKKS
Location: VEKKS, Erlgasse 27, 1120 Wien

Salmoni is an acoustic duo formed by Filippo Gillono on acoustic guitar and Zevi Bordovach on harmonium. In 2019 they started a cohabitation in Turin with other musicians from the experimental scene of the city. The common devotion to Robert Wyatt leads the two musicians to start playing together. At the beginning they played for no particular reason but after a while an interesting sound and new compositions came out. Their first album “Salmoni” it’s a consideration of the life of a wild salmon. It’s been recorded completely at home on an old National tape recorder.

Filippo Gillono: acoustic guitar, prepared piano, objects, field recording, vocals, tapes Zevi Bordovach: harmonium, prepared piano, objects, field recording, vocals, lyrics