organisiert von: VEKKS
Location: VEKKS, Erlgasse 27, 1120 Wien

XIPE Ivan Bringas – Guitarra Expansiva Giulia Deval – voice, tapes XIPE is an Italian-Mexican duo that sees the interaction between Giulia Deval’s voice and magnetic tapes and Ivan Bringas’ Guitarra Expansiva, an instrument based on the invention of mobile elements that interact with the neck of the acoustic guitar. XIPE’s compositions are the result of a research into the possibilities offered by the construction of artefacts and the use of extended vocal techniques influenced by minimalism, freak folk and radical improvisation. In 2022 XIPE published its first album Nepantleras released by zOaR Records (New York) and mastered by Elliott Sharp.


The basic of this sound action is to play the sympathies of the room’s resonant structure, shaped by its architectural singularity, and whose narrative path remains permeable to the present moment. This is achieved by using exclusively acoustic means of sound production generated by the body’s movements.

My first inspiration to produce a continuous sound with a percussive instrument evolved through an investigative process of the acoustic qualities of the performance space. I picking out various objects and implements over travels tours, and in working residency I have adapted this piece to be played on a large drum, which is used as a acoustic amplifier. I develop an intimate affinity with the materials in vibration. I have to evaluate these vibrations in my body at different levels, to be able to coordinate my postures and movements, but also like the archer with Kyudo, tuned the mind to it. For give life to these

vibrations I have used, since 2008, an dextrocentrique circumambulation. These sounds are often compared to certain sounds produced by synthesizers but also to the magnitude that an orchestra can. However, these sounds depends of the reflective quality of surrounding surfaces, and on the volume of the performance space itself. These sounds have unusual sonic textures, they escape traditional percussion registers. They test the limits of our perception, from infra to ultrasonic, by playing phase shifts. They insert themselves into the intimacy of matter, through micro vibration, and we are presented with an audio saturation by noise density. The flow of these evokes both restraint and excess, immersion and timelessness.