organisiert von: Referat für Nachhaltigkeit - ÖH Uni Wien

Crochet is an art form and craft that has seen a strong revival in the last few years. How to crochet, what crocheting has to do with sustainability, slow fashion and accessibility, and what you can do with crochet – all these questions will be the topic of the crochet workshop on the 4th of May. The workshop requires no prior knowledge, skills or tools – being interested in crocheting wouldn’t hurt, though. Everything you need to crochet will be provided by the ÖH-team! You can come as a complete beginner or intermediary (even as a crochet expert, if you just want to hang out and crochet). There is limited availability, so please reserve in advance.

Accessibility: Moderate accessibility (“barrierearm”) – English-language, wheel-chair accessible location. Crochet requires moderate vision and the ability to use hands freely and flexibly.