organisiert von: VEKKS
Location: VEKKS, Erlgasse 27, 1120 Wien

Accou takes listeners on a journey through a dreamlike and otherworldly soundscape. His music fuses digital reveries, tribal flavors, and ethereal voices that evoke a sense of timelessness. Through a collage of field recordings and a hypnotic interplay of synthesizers, Accou weaves a flamboyant yet delusional pilgrimage of a marauder on the edges of forthcoming enlightenment. His music is charged with psychedelic textures that transport you to a world where reality and fantasy meld in a symphony of sound. Accou has worked with cassette tapes and synthesizers to create drones and moods. Recently, he has started incorporating more dynamic rhythms and structures into his compositions. Although his music has become faster and more digital, it still remains in that spatial universe where time gets lost in the textures and layering of sounds. Accou’s music invites listeners to travel to an imaginary and poetic world where dreams and reality merge in a unique symphony.

Soloproject Nuances d’engrais (Leipzig)

Nuances d’engrais is the solo project of Teddy Larue. Teddy Larue’s artworks are based on a critical approach of listening to our social world and reality, questioning the documentation of space by approaching listening with a cultural, social or narrative angle. Since 2013, Teddy Larue has been active in the experimental music scene and has given performances in Germany, France, Belgium, Czech Republic and Poland. With his solo project Nuances d’engrais, this Leipzig-based artist creates deep bass, layers of dark abstract soundscapes, and bright granular sound collages with dancing rhythms and hypnotic dronish atmospheres. He uses a sampler, field recording, granular techniques, generative rhythm, and FX chains in an improvised, live machine performance. His music is released on the label EZ, and on Unse Record with his duo, Multipolar. Currently, he is also working on live ambisonic sound environments that interpret a digital world within a speculative dystopian future in a state of crisis brought on by climate catastrophe, war, acceleration, alienation, and capitalism.