Location: Mexikanische Botschaft, Renngasse 5, 1010, Wien
Url: https://www.facebook.com/stopdeportation/posts/pfbid02Yh2CMz3hfdVw8J5zggfr4YZCNvT1HzyLDG55i3ZStmfC5e2yYm2KNe3m3CRTYEUhl

On October 12, we refuse to celebrate “Columbus Day”. Instead we celebrate the history of 531 years of Indigenous resistance to colonization. But the only way to celebrate is to show our dissent against those who are building neocolonial “development” projects at the cost of Indigenous peoples’ lives. We need to raise our voice against neoliberal structures all over the globe.

The anti-colonial resistance of the first peoples, the defense of their territories and ways of inhabiting the world, are a source of knowledge and inspiration in the struggle against predatory and ecocidal capitalism.

As in the past, indigenous peoples today resist the neo-development that attempts to disguise dispossession as welfare, such us the megaprojects that, financed by European and North American multinationals, are threatening the existence of Indigenous people and destroying their territories.

The war waged against Zapatistas and Indigenous communities in Mexico is a war against life. Its actors are the organized crime groups, the repressive bodies of the State, formal and informal, the political class as a whole, the State and its institutions that live off corruption. A Capitalist Narco-State, as the CNI comrades say.

Stop the war against the peoples of Mexico and of the World!
Stop the war against the Zapatista peoples!
Stop the war against the original peoples of Mexico!
Long live the Life that resistance creates!

Full text: http://www.congresonacionalindigena.org/2023/10/05/pronunciamiento-del-espacio-de-coordinacion-nacional-alto-a-la-guerra-contra-los-pueblos-zapatistas-ante-la-convocatoria-del-12-de-octubre-dia-de-la-resistencia-y-la-dignidad-indigena/