organisiert von: VEKKS
Location: VEKKS, Erlgasse 27, 1120 Wien

Of Franco-Moroccan origin, Sophia Djebel Rose discovered an interest in poetry from an early age. As a child, she claims to become a writer, to express the beauty of the land, the one she keeps leaving, in a permanent exile specific to a childhood shared between two countries. Later she began studying literature and philosophy. But when at the age of 23 she graduates to teach, she decides to leave everything for a nomadic life. Take the risk, be radical, still taste the dust of the road. Because in the end, what she retains from these studious years is that poetry only has meaning if it is realized in action. From this radical and life-saving choice, a few years of wandering ensued. Sophia travels through Europe, the Maghreb and the Near East where she performs with the folk duo An Eagle in your Mind in which she sings and plays the Indian harmonium. Without musical training or any experience, it is instinct and faith that for her guide creation. She learns the profession of singer on the job. From turkish and elsewhere’s undergrounds clubs Sophia retains a taste for the possible and an unfailing love for the margins. When, pushed by the need and the desire to experiment, Sophia goes solo, it will be accompanied by a guitar that she will compose her first songs, in French. In 2020 Sophia Djebel Rose releases two titles on the English label Reverb Worship specializing in ultra-limited editions of folk gems. In 2022 Sophia self-produced her first album Métempsycose. Recorded in France, on the high plateaus of the Massif Central where she finally found refuge, the album delivers this light specific to the summits in which it was born. The arpeggios of a guitar mix with the bareness of a voice that sings of black forests and clear waters, the seasons, death, revolt and love. Between asphalt and wide open spaces Sophia sings of the grief of a nocturnal fauna whose hopes are fomented in squats and concert halls. If it would be tempting to speak of folk to characterize her work, the music of Sophia Djebel Rose falls rather in the wake of free-spirited and avant-garde women who have never ceased to explode the boundaries of style. To name a few: Catherine Ribeiro, Buffy Sainte Marie, PJ Harvey, Nico and Emma Ruth Rundle

Raoul Eden Lyrical Instrumental Guitar. Raoul Eden offers an instrumental guitar set with 6 and 12 strings punctuated by slide dobro and modular drone. His style is rooted in a primitive psychedelic blues open to the sounds of the Middle East, classical lyricism and Indian ragga.His guitar playing digs as much into repetitive and ecstatic structures as into quasi-improvised free forms; and borders on a journey beyond reality and through illusions.

Trancedelic Beat: Hary Wetterstein - Gitarre, Stimme, E-Bow, Loops

Pedro DuAhrt, Musiker aus Portugal, hat 12 Jahre in Wien gelebt, 7 Jahre davon, zur Wetterstein-Musik, die psychedelische Basis und die polymelodische Komponente entwickelt, kommt für dieses Konzert wieder nach Wien und wird mit seinem außergewöhnlichen Flötenspiel bezaubern. Wetterstein spielt auf seinen Sitarren, aus eigener Werkstatt.

PetraOm – Groove, Sounds, Monochord

Wetterstein spielt auf seinen Sitarren, aus eigener Werkstatt. PetraOm ist für die digitalen Grooves und Beats und spacigen Sounds zuständig, dazu erklingen manchmal das Monochord oder die Stimme. Meditativ trance-ige Sequenzen und rhythmisch tanzbare Passagen lösen einander ab und nehmen den aufmerksamen Zuhörer mit, auf eine Reise in andere Welten.