Location: Althangrund

NO BORDER MEDICINE Providing medical care on Europes deadly sea and land borders

Push backs, pull backs, drownings, suffocations, shootings and beatings- the EU has long ago stopped to treat people on the move as equal human beings. Legitimized by an increasing racist discourse, politicians create more and more perfidious border regimes. Nevertheless there are brave and courageous people who ceaselessly defy the fortress by crossing the deadly borders. And there are activists organisations determined to reestablish a minimum of common decency by monitoring the crimes and supporting people entering the borders of fortress Europe. This talk will give insights into the medical aspects of this support work, through the eyes of a medical doctor working on civil search and rescue ships on the Mediterranean as well as on land borders in Bosnia, Calais and other places.

the event is in English (German and turkish translation possible, summary in french possible)