Location: Kaleidoskop, Schönbrunner Straße 91, 1050 Wien

The last 15 years the anarchist movement in the Netherlands has grown tremendously. The amount of anarchists, anarchist projects and the reach of anarchist projects has been growing steadily for years. Interestingly, and maybe surprising to some, anarchism is the biggest tendency of the radical left in the Netherlands. Both in numbers of people, amount of actions and projects organized and in impact with the broader left-wing movement and on society.

In the talk the recent history and functioning of the anarchist federation the Vrije Bond will be explained thoroughly. This anarchist federation has more than quadrupled its membership size over the past 10-15 years. There has also been a big focus on building anarchist institutions and infrastructure. The talk will show how this was done and was is currently being done to keep building further.

🚲 18:00 start 18:30 🚲 Vegane KÜFA und Drinks: freie Spende🚲