organisiert von: Solidarityfleamarket
Location: Maschinenraum, Schweglerstraße 51, 1150 Wien

We are back from our summer sleep and ready to go into another season of solidarity flea market action with all of you 🔥

For our October market 100% of proceeds are going into supporting a comrade in need. The gen0c!de in G_za and the W_st B_nk is not stopping and the situation is getting more terrifying with every passing day. For this month‘s solidarity flea market we support a Pal€st!n!an comrade in the W_st B_nk who needs medical treatment after getting beaten up by settlers. So help is urgently needed!

Come by and join us in solidarity, have vegan treats, get some cute second hand pieces and speed up the fundraising together!

05.10. starting 17:30 No market yer buuut a fun night and late afternoon of crafts & arts with the flea market gang

06.10. 11-18:00 - Market, vegan food & drinks for free donation