We are excited to announce INTRODUCTION TO MODULAR SYNTHESIS, the first public skill sharing/workshop organized by collective HORIZONT; the workshop will be conducted by Berlin-based sound artist ACRARTEP. The workshop will give an introduction to the topic of Modular Synthesizers, so anyone is welcome to participate, regardless of prior knowledge. (If you want to participate and already own modular equipment, feel free to bring it to the workshop.) INTRODUCTION TO MODULAR SYNTHESIS will take place on March 16th, 14:00-17:00 at cultural centre 4lthangrund / Alte Mensa. Participation is based on free donation, with recommended donation of 30€ to compensate the efforts of ACRARTEP while he is on tour & all other connected costs. IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE, PLEASE MAKE SURE TO REGISTER UNDER THIS E-MAIL-ADRESS:
Please notify us in your registration-e-mail if you are dependent on access without stairs.
We are excited to see you there!