organisiert von: infomaden
Location: Infoladen EKH, Wielandgasse 2-4, 1100 Wien

Let’s break their isolation!

Countless People are held in countless prisons on this earth. Because they put their lives on the line for themselves or others, and this is often enough to be punished in our system. Whether due to shoplifting or fare-evading, through organising and direct action against fascists, fundamentalists and the state; against imperialism and borders; against exploitation of people and nature… As people in solidarity we can invest a bit of our time to write letters and postcards to these unknown and known comrades - to show them that in their time and space of imprisonment, they are not alone or forgotten. Today we want to put this solidarity into practice and motivate to carry it on. Material (postcards, envelopes, etc.), addresses, as well as Inputs to ease into the writing process, will be provided. There will also be drinks and snacks. CU soon!

Open from 18:00; come when you are ready :)

Thu 27.02. @ infoladen EKH. Wielandgasse 2-4, 1100 Wien


For more information you can contact us via Mail or meet us in person! Infoshop and library @ EKH are open regularly, every thurday from 18:00 to 20:00 (or longer).

Briefeschreiben an Gefangene FAQ:

Writing to prisoners FAQ: