Location: Kaleidoskop, Schönbrunner Straße 91, 1050 Wien

Kommt in Kostümen, kommt mit Masken, kommt wie ihr seid: immer bunt und deshalb da - Antifaschings Antifa! 🧚🎭

Der Kaleido ANTIFAschingsdienstag bringt Farbe in düstere Zeiten: euch erwarten lustige Spiele, gutes Essen, Drinks und unsere beste Antifa Playlist! 🎏


🎉ANTIFAsching Tuesday at Kaleido!🎉

Since conservative shit events are trying to spoil both the last and the next weekend, we will now simply take over a conservative shit event! 🥷✨

Come in costumes, come with masks, come as you are: always colourful and therefore there - Antifaschings Antifa! 🧚🎭

The Kaleido ANTIFAschingsdienstag brings colour into dark times: you can expect fun games, good food, drinks and our best Antifa playlist! 🎏