A Punk Market IV
Invite your lovers, crushes, comrades, neighbors and friends! Please share and spread the word!
- new venue
- sellers & diy artists
- vegan buffet for free donation
- radical infotables
- care team
- kids corner
*soli tattoos by
tttararism666 https://www.instagram.com/tttararism666?igsh=MXdjd3J0emJudnp0eg==
lara.may.tattoo https://www.instagram.com/lara.may.tattoo?igsh=MW52d3prNmozbzVyaA==
k.gold_ttt https://www.instagram.com/k.gold_ttt?igsh=a3pzZzd5cGU1bGg3
bands (start at 3pm)
xparadoxoftolerancex (AT) // xvx hardcore https://cancelculturekampfmusikkollektiv.bandcamp.com/album/s-t-demo
KMAT (DE) // rapcore https://kmat.bandcamp.com
A Guy Named Lou (AT) // punk rock https://aguynamedlou.bandcamp.com/album/coloumbo
G.U.T.S. (CZ) // hardcore punk https://gutshardcore.bandcamp.com
Mojo (AT) // trashy dj set
We are raising money for Queer Base and Trans Femme Fatale.
More informations (timetable, soli flash sheets, artists, collectives…) in Instagram highlight section.
Against all forms of discrimination. No traditions but morals.