am 15.04., von 18:00 bis 20:30
Online Workshop: Empowering Others – Creating a developmental context
organisiert von:
Civil Action Network
Online (Link bei Anmeldung)
People who take responsibility for their initiatives often end up getting stuck with more work that they can sustainably do. At the same time, while caring a lot about empowering others, it can be challenging to find time for onboarding and mentoring when work is urgent. This can lead to feeling pressured, left alone and overwhelmed and overstepping one’s own boundaries.
In this workshop you will:
* Reflect on where you can practice the skill of mentorship * Learn about essential principles for creating an empowering environment * Learn from each other by hearing the challenges and learnings of others * Learn tools for holding someone's learning processThis workshop is part of a series of 5 workshops over 5 weeks. Read about the whole project and get registered here: