am 22.04., von 18:00 bis 20:30
Online Workshop: Addressing Disagreement and Establishing a Feedback Culture
organisiert von:
Civil Action Network
Online (Link bei Anmeldung)
Civic initiatives are for the most part fueled by the personal motivation and passion of their members. When everyone is deeply invested in the cause and their actions, encountering disagreement or receiving challenging feedback can often feel quite severe. Often this leads to a culture of not addressing disagreement at all, where it’s extremely difficult to transform tensions and learn from conflicts. In a different scenario disagreement gets addressed in ways that put further emotional charge into the space and make working together challenging.
In this workshop you will:
*Reflect on where you currently stand on the road to having a lively culture of disagreeing and giving each other feedback *Learn about and practice a simple pattern for giving and receiving feedback from a position of leadership *Learn some principles for how to help your initiative to develop its own feedback cultureThis workshop is part of a series of 5 workshops over 5 weeks. Read about the whole project and get registered here: