am 29.04., von 18:00 bis 20:30
Online Workshop: Strategizing – plotting a clear path to enable effective collective action
organisiert von:
Civil Action Network
Online (Link bei Anmeldung)
Many of us are engaged in civic initiatives out of a host of different motivations: responding to urgent need, contributing to social change, being connected with like-minded people, learning new skills. With this mix of motivations it can often be difficult to be clear about the goals we pursue and the pathways for reaching them. Unclear narratives about “what we are about” make enrollment of new members difficult, and taking decisions about what needs to be done next, near impossible.
In this workshop you will:
*Reflect on where you can create opportunities for your team to practice strategizing next *Learn the basic ingredients for an effective strategy *Reflect on why setting goals matters *Try on the lens of “strategizing as a skill to practice”This workshop is part of a series of 5 workshops over 5 weeks. Read about the whole project and get registered here: